Curriculum Council


The BCSSSD Curriculum Council is a committee charged with facilitating the implementation of the curriculum review and implementation process (cycle). The Curriculum Council engages in collaborative decision-making to ensure that our students are engaged in learning through a rigorous, challenging, meaningful curriculum designed to prepare them for a career; higher education leading to a career; and lifelong learning.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Develop, publicize, and monitor curriculum/program review cycle for all programs

  • Develop, publicize, and monitor use of standards for the process used to complete program evaluations, textbook, and materials selection

  • Receive updates on the progress of district curriculum committees, textbook/material selection, and program/curriculum area evaluation committees

  • Share information regarding curriculum and program evaluation committees with all constituents

  • Review program evaluation reports based on adopted standards before they are submitted to the BOE for approval

  • Review newly developed written curriculum documents/scopes based on state and local standards before they are submitted to the BOE for review

  • Share information on best practices both inside and outside the district

  • Monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction of the district by examining assessment data on an annual basis


The representatives of the Curriculum Council should expect to serve on the council for a two- to three-year term. The membership should include:

  • Teacher representative(s) from each school with a balance between CTE teachers and academic teachers

  • Parent representative from each campus

  • Building administrative representation from each campus

  • Special education representation

  • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction (Council Chair)

  • District supervisor(s) 

  • Technology coordinator or director

Council Committees

The work of evaluating, researching, and selecting curriculum is done by a representative group based on the subject area/program being explored, reviewed or developed. The curriculum committee's composition may change in accordance with the phase of the cycle and the need for specialists. 

Organization of Curriculum Committees

Subject area/program curriculum committee representatives are selected on an annual basis. Representatives are based on the following:

  • Interest, experience, and expertise of the individual relative to the specific curricular areas are considered when selecting representatives.

  • Representation from each campus is required as appropriate to the scope of work. Attention will be paid to balancing representation as needed.

  • A building/district administrator/supervisor will serve on the committee, if applicable.

  • As deemed appropriate, certified specialists in counseling, library media, technology, special education, reading,etc. will be consulted with and/or serve on the committee.

  • In most cases, co-chairs will be the district supervisors and/or teachers.

  • The assistant superintendent will oversee and coordinate activities of all curriculum committees.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Curriculum Development Process

Committee Chair(s) will:

  • Serve as a content and process specialist.

  • Contact local, state, and national organizations for standards, goals, best practices.

  • Disseminate research data to committee members and assign reading to members, as appropriate.

  • Arrange school visits as needed.

  • Lead discussion groups on implications of research, as appropriate.

  • Invite other staff (technology specialist, reading specialist, librarians, etc.) to provide input as needed.

  • Seek out specialists, as appropriate, to provide input for professional discussion in the content area.

  • Work with administrator/co-chair to schedule and conduct meetings. 

  • Ensure the committee incorporates ways in which technology improves instruction in the content area.

  • Share responsibility for the timely completion of the products for the committee members, materials/textbook selection, professional development, and implementation.

  • Lead discussion on qualities in text/materials which are needed to support quality instruction.

  • Oversee evaluation and identification of materials recommended for adoption.

  • Examine issues related to differentiated instruction.

  • Co-lead any presentation to the Board of Education.

Assistant Superintendent will:

  • Coordinate plans for curriculum and program review.

  • Serve as a process specialist.

  • Establish parameters for the committee.

  • Meet with the co-chairs regularly.

  • Serve as ex-officio member of subject area committees.

  • Submit information to the Curriculum Council and Board of Education for review.

  • Work with building administration to develop a budget that meets the needs of the curricular area.

  • Assist with coordination of professional development.

  • Establish the committee membership with the assistance of the Curriculum Council.

  • Share responsibility for coordinating the products of the committee.

  • Contact appropriate parties to provide professional development as needed.

  • Assist with the contact of publishers to acquire materials as needed.

  • Provide the resources and data needed to complete the responsibilities of the committee. 

Program/Curriculum Evaluation

  1. Define the purpose and scope of the evaluation.

  2. Determine the evaluation questions (note: research and selection questions may serve as a guide).

  3. Develop the evaluation design and data collection plan.

  4. Collect the data

  5. Written curriculum documents

  6. Achievement and performance data

  7. Survey data (student, teacher, and/or parent)

  8. Observation of instruction

  9. Focus groups

  10. Analyze data.

  11. Use the evaluation report for program improvement via next steps in the cycle.