Burlington County Special Services School District Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Health FSA and Dependent Care FSA Both Available
Please contact Rob Henry of Brown & Brown Metro, LLC at (609) 927-7475
with any specific questions you may have regarding the FSA program.

To participate in the voluntary 2023 Healthcare or Dependent Care FSA, please complete the online enrollment by 12/31/2022.
How to get started with online FSA enrollment?
Go to the online enrollment URL: www.oca125.com/enrollment
Click begin enrollment and enter in the Employer Enrollment Code: OCABCSSSD
Your employee ID will be your social security number without any dashes and spaces.
Once provided, enter the additional demographics, dependent info (if applicable), and election amounts.
Healthcare FSA
The Medical FSA limit for 2022 is $2,850.00.
Your plan runs from January 1st through December 31st.
Healthcare FSA allows you to use pre-tax dollars for out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses. FSA will usually include the deductible, coinsurance, or copayment amounts for your health plan, eyeglasses or contact lenses, dental work and orthodontia, medical equipment, hearing aids, and chiropractic care. Be sure these expenses are not reimbursed through another source.
10-Month Employees enrolled by January 1st will have their contribution and plan maintenance fees divided into 20 pays.
12-Month Employees enrolled by January 1st will have their contribution and plan maintenance fees divided into 24 pays.
Members enrolled in a Flexible Spending Account are eligible to roll $570.00 into the next plan year.
Employees must re-enroll each year to keep their FSA plan active. If the employee FSA plan is not renewed, money may be forfeited.
Please note that monthly OCA administration fees will continue to be deducted from your paycheck, unless the FSA plan election is cancelled during open enrollment or within 30 days of an eligible life event.
Dependent Care FSA
The Dependent Care Spending Account has a maximum contribution limit of $5,000.00 per year.
The plan year runs from January 1st through December 31st.
Dependent Care FSA (DCA) covers employment-related expenses for childcare.
Typical expenses under this account include charges for daycare, nursery school, and eldercare.
The primary purpose cannot be for education.
10-Month Employees enrolled by January 1st will have their contribution and plan maintenance fees divided into 20 pays.
12-Month Employees enrolled by January 1st will have their contribution and plan maintenance fees divided into 24 pays.
Members enrolled in a Dependent Care FSA must use the allocated money in the plan year.
For all FSA/DCA Accounts: Please note that the monthly OCA administration fee of $4.80 will continue to be deducted from your paycheck unless the FSA plan election is canceled during open enrollment.
If assistance is needed, please contact Rob Henry from Brown & Brown Metro, LLC at (609) 927-7475 with any specific questions, you may have regarding the FSA program.
As of 3/1/2020, OCA offers a Commuter Account for BCSSSD Employees. Please let us know if you are interested in additional information. This plan typically provides cost-savings for parking fees and public transportation fees related to commuting to work.
Participants and their dependents should email service@oca125.com with any questions. All claims submissions should still be directed to claims@oca125.com. This will ensure that information is being handled by the appropriate team right from the start.
For FSA Medical Expenses, you must provide a provider receipt or insurance carrier explanation of benefits (EOB) that contains ALL of the information listed under “For Medical Expenses”. Cancelled checks, non-detailed credit card receipts, or generic cash receipts do not provide all the information necessary to substantiate claims and cannot be accepted. Statements with “Previous Balance”, “Balance Forward”, or “Paid on Account” do not contain all of the necessary information and cannot be accepted.
Effective January 1, 2011, OTC medications require a doctor’s prescription to be eligible for FSA/HSA reimbursement. As a result, OTC medications cannot be purchased using the mySource card unless dispensed by a pharmacy the same as a standard prescription. If a manual claim is submitted for purchase on or after 1/1/11 of an OTC medication, a copy of the prescription and the purchase receipt must both be included with the claim in order to receive reimbursement. Non-medicated OTC products (gauze pads, diabetes test strips, saline solution, etc.) are not affected by this change in the law. You can continue to receive FSA/HSA reimbursement for such items in the same manner you did prior to 1/1/11.
In accordance with New Jersey State Chapter 78, P.L. 2011 Burlington County Special Services School district will be offering a VOLUNTARY Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to all FULL TIME employees. The FSA will be effective January 1, 2022, for the 2022 calendar year. The FSA will allow you to set aside money on a pretax basis to pay for medical, prescription, and dental expenses not covered by the AmeriHealth Administrators, MetLife PPO Dental, and Davis Vision plans. The most common expenses are physician and prescription co-pays. The maximum amount you can set aside for the 2022 calendar year will be $2,850.
In addition to any election you make, there is an administrative fee of $4.80 per month that will be deducted from your paychecks. Ten-month employees will have these fees condensed into 20 pay periods. Please keep in mind when making your decision that your paycheck must be able to cover the monthly administrative fee and the election you make. If your check cannot cover the monthly fee and your election, you will not be able to participate in the plan.
Once you make an election you CANNOT change it for any reason during the course of the calendar year unless you have a qualifying life event such as marriage, birth, divorce, or termination of employment. It is extremely important to consider your financial situation for the entire calendar year before deciding on an amount.
In order to enroll in the FSA for the 2022 plan year, you must complete the online enrollment with OCA by December 30, 2021.
After making your selection you will be notified of your new payroll deduction schedule for 2022. Your election will be deducted in equal amounts from each 2022 paycheck. The entire amount of your medical FSA selection will be available to you through the debit card on January 1, 2022. The Dependent Care FSA money is made available once contribution amounts are collected and applied to the DCA.
Please note that any monies put into your Medical FSA in excess of the $570 roll-over amount are subject to a ‘use it or lose it’ penalty. The funds must be used on expenses incurred between January 1st and December 31st of the plan year. There will be an opportunity to submit applicable annual expenses for a limited period after December 31st. Any funds in excess of the $570 roll-over not used by this date will be forfeited to the school district. Dependent FSA money is not eligible to be rolled into the next plan year and is subject to a 'use it or lose it' penalty.
Please contact Rob Henry from Innovative Risk Solutions, Inc. at (609) 927-7475 with specific questions.
What is a Flexible Spending Account?
Created under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, Cafeteria Plans allow employees to pay for certain qualified insurance premiums and uninsured expenses with pre-tax dollars. Employees do not pay FICA, federal, or state income tax (except NJ) on their portion of premiums or uninsured expenses. Employers save on their portion of FICA taxes and in many states, FUTA premiums.
Why should you participate in the FSA when you already have insurance?
This account is used to pay for expenses that are not covered by insurance. For example, your insurance may not cover annual physicals, co-payments, eye exams, glasses, contacts, orthodontics, prescription drugs, or dental care, just to name a few.
What if you have an FSA Medical claim early in the plan year but have not contributed that amount yet?
You are eligible for 100% of your election at the start of the plan year for your Health FSA. This is referred to as the “Uniform Coverage Rule.” It gives you the ability to budget your medical expenses and spread them out over the entire year. Your elected payroll deductions will continue throughout the plan year to catch up on the expenses you have been advanced.
Can I change my contributions during the year?
Only if you have a change of status, such as marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, or a change in your or your spouse’s employment status.