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Patricia Paul
Admin Asstnt - Dr. Holley
Equity & Diversity
Chantell Perry
Admissions Data Coordinator (BCIT)
Adalgiza Pichardo
Strategic Marketing Communications and Enrollment Coordinator
Sujata Ray
Admin Assistant to the Superintendent
Superintendent Office
Jennifer Rayford
SAMHSA Grant Project Coordinator
Business Office
Rue Scazafabo-Ryan
District Business/Personnel
Business Office
Terry Sills
District Reception - P/T ESS
Personnel and HR
Jennifer Sleppy
Secretary - Human Resources (Shared District)
Personnel and HR
Collin Smith
Assistant Coord of Strategic Marketing, Communications & Enrollment (Shared)
Business Office
Ryan Van Laeys
Director of Technology
Sharon Velzy
Secretary - BCSSSD Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum & Instruction
Kerri Waldis
Secretary - BCIT/BCSSSD
Curriculum & Instruction
Christopher Williams
Secretary -Human Resources / Business Office Shared
Personnel and HR
Andrew Willmott
Business Administrator
Central Administration